
Saturday, November 29, 2014

December Reflections

Above: Sticker when I donated from Teleton

For the first time in ages, Santiago is rainy, gray, and dreary outside. It feels almost like the winter that I am used to: dark, desolate, and cold, a perfect time for hot chocolate, mint tea, and snuggling on the couch under a warm blanket near the fireplace. But sadly, that is not to be!

For one, we do not have a fireplace and we do not have gas in our estufa because it is summertime, so blankets will have to do. I also realized that I am a hot beverage person only in theory, so that would not be a good thing to do, either.

In all manners, the day reflects my mood. As my mind thinks 'December! Christmas! Snow!', I know from all the sunny hot days this past month that it is summer and I am always half-confused about time. Who knew that the idea of seasons was so ingrained? 

I have one more month of my Chilean adventure and this weekend marks that point. I have been thinking of what I have done so far and tried to puzzle out the ways in which I have changed. It is difficult to analyze my change. For one, I think I will be better able to note it when I return to familiar surroundings. Second, I am still the same person. After all, I am inhabiting the same body I was inhabiting four months ago...

Schoolwork has died down. Yesterday was our final day of classes where we did not do many special activities. Most classes were spent reviewing for the last time before final exams. In math class, around noon, we came outside with our teacher, played charades, and ordered four boxes of pizza that we passed around. Nothing is better than oily cheesy goodness sometimes to bond us. Then, we watched the 'gimnasia artistica y ritmica' (school's rhythmic and artistic gynastic teams) perform in the gym for an hour. What talent! I also had fun thinking about the interesting dynamic of being a part of a single-sex school; few other places would have their own school gymnastics team in which the majority of students participate!

These next two weeks will be uneventful. My classmates and I are coming to school a few days of every week to take final exams. We will come to school at the same time in the morning but leave school mid-morning after taking each final exam. For example, this Monday is the mathematics final exam, while next Wednesday is the English final exam. After that, it is summer vacation!

On the 8th of December, the month of Maria, mother of Jesus, will end and we will put up our Christmas trees. I can hardly imagine that it is that season! In America, endless Christmas radio songs and holiday mall decorations and sales starting from Halloween time consistently remind me that December holidays are approaching. Here, I have not yet heard a Christmas song. 

I wished my classmates and family 'Happy Thanksgiving' earlier this week and talked to them about its origins, but we did not do anything special for it. I went on a search for pumpkin pie but the supermarkets do not sell pumpkin in the classic Libby's cans; few supermarkets have real pumpkins, but I have never actually made pumpkin pie from scratch, so I decided not to try it (not to mention, I was studying for penultimate exams!) As a family, we decided not to make turkey, given that we are a small family of five and do not actually like turkey that much. As it was, the day passed by quietly, I took some time to feel grateful for this beautiful year and all its opportunities and lessons, and everyone went about their daily routine (which feels that much more stressful and tiring as our hearts and minds are pulling us towards a relaxing season of festivities). 
The closest I have come to encountering a holiday season reminder is Teleton, an annual charity event that started yesterday. In the same way that pink Breast Cancer Foundation products and advertisements are found everywhere in the US, these past few months have been characterized by countless TV advertisements (with a specific Teleton-themed song) and products advertising that a percentage of profits go to Teleton. Since 1978, Chilean TV networks host a 27-hour event (hosted by Don Fernando, a man especially popular among Hispanic Americans) featuring many Chilean celebrities to fundraise for the Teleton Foundation for children with developmental disabilities. Every year, the goal is the amount of money that was raised the past year.

Above: Here I am with our check receipt!

As a family, we watched the broadcast yesterday night. I found it indicative of the small country that if one calls the phone to donate, he will be guaranteed to speak with a Chilean celebrity. My impression is that in the relatively rare celebrity charity event, although the celebrities are featured answering phone calls, the chances of speaking to one is unheard of. 

Above; Here I am at the bank. 

Overall, I admire that Chileans have a strong tradition of giving that is a part of their societal make-up. They have raised hundreds of millions of dollars through this initiative and the Teleton idea itself is a household name. From schools to businesses to individuals, it is a fabulous way to have everyone be a part of something greater. We went to my sister's class barbecue at school and a close friend's birthday party; in both places, people asked if we had donated to Teleton. Even more amazing still, it is the most widely watched telethon in the world. I am seriously considering starting something like Teleton in college!
Above: Many cars are decorated!

For December, I am wishing to make the best of memories; that is, I want to spend more time with my family and show them my gratefulness and love. I also to soak in more Chilean culture (and Vitamin D!) by listening to more music, spending time at the pool, and trying to watch soap operas. It will definitely be bittersweet!

Ciao! :)

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